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ISBN: 0911827269

TITLE: MS-DOS Introduction, Applications, Tips & Tricks

AUTHOR: Lorenz, Chris D.

DESCRIPTION: If you are a MS-DOS lover and you belong to the generation who shared the early times of the IBM PC and the young Bill Gates you definetely want to see this book. It is a collector's item. Here is what you will find: Very interesting background information on DOS, an image from Bill Gates in his very early years. (One of his first press releases) Fundamentals of PC DOS , MS-DOS 1.1 and MS-DOS 2.0, machine language and batch programming, AUTOEXEC.BAT commands explained. DOS is well and alive and it still sits under every modern Windows operating System. Price only $ 9.95

ISBN: 0911827056

TITLE: The Great Book of Batch Jobs

AUTHOR: Roberts, Samuel D.

DESCRIPTION: This is the book about batch file programming. Batch files are similar to scripting files. So this book can be used as an excellent introduction to script languages in general. (PERL, LINUX etc.) Here You will find everything you need to know about batch programming in MS-DOS. Book contains many practical sample programs which can be used under DOS or converted into LINUX. Price only $ 9.95

ISBN: 0911827293

TITLE: Statistics on the IBM

AUTHOR: Roberts, Samuel D.

DESCRIPTION: This book contains a collection of statistics programs which allow you to manage your data. All programs are written in BASIC interpretive language, which is on your WIN 95/98 CD-ROM under QBASIC. The very useful sample programs demonstrate how to create barcharts, how to calculate statistic figures, and how to use statistical methods of checking data. Each program is provided with a demonstration sample. The samples used are taken from statistics literature, so that the results can be verified. Here is what you will find: Permutations, Combinations, Probability, Markov Analysis, Discrete Statistical Distributions, Gauss Distribution, Statistical Tests, Nonparametric Methods, Analysis of Variance, Linear Regression, Autocorrelation, Curvilinear Regression, Predictions and Calculation of Trend, Statistics and Games of Chance, Sorting and much more.

Price only $ 9.95

ISBN: 0911827277

TITLE: UNIX Introduction, Applications, Tips & Tricks

AUTHOR: Roberts, Samuel D.

DESCRIPTION: UNIX always was one of the favorite and most commonly used operating systems. Since Linus Thorvalds wrote the first UNIX kernel for Personal Computers and created LINUX, this new operating system and programming enviroment took off like a rocket. Pinguins everywhere is the slogan of the new millenium. This UNIX book is written for you, the beginner. It is a self teaching course and your source for sample programs. At the end of the book you will find a compilation of the most important UNIX (LINUX) commands and a sample program in which this command is used. Some highlights from the book: History of UNIX, Your first contact with UNIX (LINUX), files and the editor, the UNIX file system, the shell, processes, UNIX as a post office, organizing and sorting data in UNIX, encoding of a file the most important UNIX commands, three useful shell programs and much more. Price only $ 9.95

ISBN: 0911827005

TITLE: FORTH Applications - Ready to run programs in Forth

AUTHOR: Roberts, Samuel D.

DESCRIPTION: FORTH is an extremely efficient programming language. Next to C it is getting more and more attention in the industrial- and military control enviroment. With FORTH the programmer has complete access to the whole computer, from bit-level to meta operations. The time (and with it the cost) to develop software can be reduced considerably using FORTH. The generated code ist extremly compact and changes can be made very easily. This book gives you the source code of complete application programs such as: Input/output, strings, data structures, artificial intelligence in FORTH, tools for program development programming of recurrence procedures such as the towers of Hanoi, a complete mailing list program in FORTH, a DBMS system and much more. Price only $ 9.95

ISBN: 0911827013

TITLE: FORTH Quick-Start Introduction

AUTHOR: Roberts, Samuel D.

DESCRIPTION: FORTH is an extremely efficient programming language. Next to C it is getting more and more attention in the industrial- and military control enviroment. With FORTH the programmer has complete access to the whole computer, from bit-level to meta operations. The time (and with it the cost) to develop software can be reduced considerably using FORTH. The generated code ist extremly compact and changes can be made very easily. This book is a complete introduction to FORTH. You are using a Shareware version of Forth. Example programs that can be typed in will give you success right away. So if you want to learn the FORTH language in no time, this is the book for you. Price for the book only $ 5.00 The Shareware version of the FORTH language used in the book can be bought seperately from the Publisher at $ 9.95 plus S&H.

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